Dr. Anubhuti Shukla is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Cariology, Operative Dentistry and Dental Public Health at Indiana University School of Dentistry (IUSD). She also serves as the Director for the Community Based Dental Education Program at IUSD. She graduated from Harvard School of Dental Medicine in 2018 and is trained to treat medically complex and special needs patients with a public health lens. She has a broad background in a variety of community dentistry topics with special focus on Oral Health policies that include oral health workforce capacity and access to quality services in underserved settings. The scope of her work has covered some very important and timely issues in the field of dentistry: oral health access issues, Opioid epidemic, evidence-based dentistry focusing on prevention, health services research, systemic–oral health connection with a strong focus on community studies, interventions, and policies. The current projects she is involved in include- HPV and role of oral health professionals, oral health access concerns in underserved populations like the LGBTQ+ community, improving oral health access for patients with disabilities, elderly and rural pediatric population.