Do you have an innovative project you want to launch or expand that advances oral healthcare for the underserved population?
*Apply for our AOHAB Global Award of $5,000*
The Alliance for Oral Health Across Borders seeks proposals that display innovative oral healthcare research focusing on those with intellectual/physical disabilities or other groups experiencing oral health inequity. Applications must integrate general health with oral health. The grant will support implementation research* that targets community settings.
The project team must include a student(s), resident(s), or recent graduate (within 5 years) that plays an active role. Collaboration with community or corporate partners is encouraged. The awardee will receive our Alliance Global Award of up to $5000.
Applicant/Team Criteria
- Must be able to demonstrate a history of leadership skills in oral healthcare.
- Must have innovative objectives and goals with defined metrics to evaluate targeted outcomes.
- Must have a clearly defined budget. No salary costs can be supported however, they may be included as in kind from the institution.
- Must have a project either underway or ready to launch that meets grant guidelines.
- Must begin work with the Alliance Global Awards Committee by January 1, 2024
- Must include a letter of support from the applicant’s institution.
- Must demonstrate sustainability after the grant period.
- Project must result in regional, national, or international presentation or publication.
- Project results will be posted on the Alliance website.
- The awardee must submit a written quarterly report and will meet with the committee to review progress.
*Implementation research is the systematic study method that supports the application of research findings and other evidence-based knowledge into policy and practice.
Past Winners

Hildah Nkonde
The Copperbelt University, Kitwe, Zambia
Save My Smile Project:
A local oral health initiative in 2 schools with special needs patients

Fredrick Meena
Miracle Corners of the World
Program Officer, MCT Oral Health Care Programs
Mbeya, Tanzania
Read Frederick Meena’s bio
2020 Awardee

Dr. Janet Wallace
Associate Professor
School of Health Sciences (Oral Health)
Senior Smiles
University of Newcastle, Australia
Read Dr. Wallace’s Bio Here
Senior Smiles is a project that has developed an online preventive oral health program for older adults living in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF) throughout Australia. The website encompasses a wide variety of resources for utilization by dental hygienists and qualified oral health therapists. The website has been created so that it can easily be modified for other special needs groups in the future.
The Alliance for Oral Health Across Borders Global Awards Program has funded creation of the Senior Smiles website in 2020. (www.seniorsmiles.org.au)
Global Awards Committee
- Maureen Perry – Chair
- Lois Cohen
- Sonia Groisman
- Ronald Kosinski
- Deborah Weisfuse
- Alice Horowitz
- Avi Zini