Saturday, October 2, 2021
3PM to 4:30PM ET
Our Lecturers:

Deborah Weisfuse, MS, DMD
United States
Dr. Deborah Weisfuse, President of the Alliance for Oral Health Across Borders is presently a Trustee of the New York State Dental Foundation, Advisory Director of the New York County Dental Society, Advisory Board Member of Project Accessible Oral Health, and Board member at Large of the American Friends of the Dental Volunteers for Israel.
She has served on the Committee of Annual Meetings of the ADA, has also had the honor of serving on the Commission of Dental Accreditation (CODA) Predoctoral Review Committee, has consulted for the Commission nationally and internationally and has been recently been selected as a CODA Commissioner by the ADA.
Dr. Weisfuse has a MS from Downstate Medical School of the State University of New York and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. Her GPR and Chief Residency were at Long Island Jewish Hillside Medical Center, now known as Northwell. She has experience teaching at 2 dental schools, and 2 GPR programs and has practiced general dentistry in Manhattan.
In 2019, the ADA conferred upon Dr. Weisfuse the Jeffrey Dalin Distinguished Volunteer Service Award for her work with Give Kids a Smile NYC. In 2020, Dr. Weisfuse was also honored by the Assembly of the State of New York, with a Proclamation celebrating her many leadership accomplishments.
Dr. Weisfuse has been awarded honorary fellowships by the American College of Dentists, the International College of Dentists, the Pierre Fauchard Academy, the Academy of General Dentistry, the New York Academy of Dentistry, and the International Academy of Dental-Facial Esthetics.

Dr. Margaret Wandera, BDS, MSc, PhD
Dr. Margaret Wandera is a qualified Uganda Dental Surgeon currently working as a lecturer. She attained my BDS degree at Makerere University Kampala, Uganda. Following this, she pursued a Master in Science and a PhD at University of Bergen, Norway. Dr, Wandera’s PhD study looked specifically at oral health of pregnant women and young children. In that project, she worked with a rich team that had several health disciplines of diverse levels of qualification, as well as different Nationalities. This exposure, further spurred her interest in health promotion and research. Dr. Wandera continues to seek these opportunities through participation in the following:
- Member, Institutional Review Board, College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biomedical Sciences, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. (2017 to date)
- Member, IADR, where I have had the privilege and opportunity to hold the position of Board representative for AMER (2018-2021), and Chairperson, Regional Development programme
- Member, Task force, Global Oral Health Interest Group (GOHIG) (2016- 2019)
- Team Leader (Uganda), Health team Mercury Initial Assessment Project (2016-2017)

Professor Neil Myburgh, Acting Dean of the UWC Faculty of Dentistry
South Africa
Professor Neil Myburgh is currently Acting Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa. After graduating from the University of the Witwatersrand, he worked as a dentist in the squatter community of Crossroads in Cape Town, after which he establishing the nearby Guguletu Community Dental Clinic. He later completed specialist training in Community Dentistry at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), where he got involved in public health, research, policy formulation and ran the UWC WHO Collaborating Centre for Oral Health.
He previously managed the UWC Health and Welfare Mission Project, facilitating the Community Partnerships Project for Health Personnel Trining and establishment of the UWC School of Public Health. He later served as Deputy Dean for Research and Postgraduate Affairs in the Faculty of Dentistry.
He has served as Head of Department of the UWC Department of Community Oral Health and has been responsible for postgraduate and undergraduate courses in research methods, epidemiology, health policy and ethics in that department. Recent research activities have focused on community based dental prevention, sealant and varnish programmes, as well as the evidence-base for health system reform. He currently chairs the UWC Biomedical Research Ethics Committee.
Reading Material
We hope the following reference list helpful. These are just a few articles, but for each topic, there are of course many others you can find!
Ethical principles of care
Human and patient rights (South African version) (World Medical Association version)
Public health ethics (eg Fluoridation) (Canadian perspective) (UK perspective)
Public health ethics (eg Mandatory vaccination)
Recognizing community difference and diversity (Read his book!) (AMA position statement)
Ethical dentistry must be evidence-based
Dental research must be ethical (eg Vipeholm)
Ethical research in communities eg Nuremberg; eg Helsinki; eg CIOMS; eg Emmanuel benchmarks (Emmanuel et al benchmarks)
Consent (Tea and Consent)